Bubblegum Plums
These gorgeous bright red plums taste just like bubblegum!
This is an easy-to-grow fruit that smells and tastes like bubblegum! This heavy-producing tree yields crops of medium-to-large plums. Fruit has reddish-bronze skin and juicy yellow flesh that’s as sweet as candy.
​The original name of Bubblegum is Toka and it originates from the prolific breeding experiments of Niels Hansen. In the 1890s, finding himself in South Dakota, Dr. Hansen made it his mission to breed plant varieties that would stand up to the challenge of this cold, dry climate. He collected breeding material from even harsher climates, such as Siberia, and he is now most known for his red-fleshed apples and the Purple-Leaf Sand Cherry, a common ornamental. Toka was the result of Hansen hybridizing Prunus americana with Prunus simonii, the Chinese apricot plum. The offspring has the delicate flavor of the apricot plum bolstered by the cold hardiness and disease resistance of the American plum.